fuku AI Song

Music Created by AI Song Generator of Style emo hiphop slow sub bass ear candy lyrical skills, melody verse and chorus all Different



emo hiphop slow sub bass ear candy lyrical skills, melody verse and chorus all Different

2024-09-27 04:11:17



emo hiphop slow sub bass ear candy lyrical skills, melody verse and chorus all Different

2024-09-27 04:11:17

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[INTRO: [16 bars] [ LEAD GUITAR] [DRUMS] [BASS] [ATMOSPHERE]] { [LEAD GUITAR: [TYPE: Electric Guitar: Ibanez] [TUNING: "Open C major Tuning"] [VERSE PLAY STYLE: [Harmonize with RHYTHM GUITAR],[Cadence],[Melodic Accentuation]] [SOLO PLAY STYLE: Agressive] [TECHNIQUES: [Power Chords],[Hammer-ons & Pulloff's][Sustained 1/2, 1/8, 1/4 Notes],[Harmonics]] [EFFECTS:["Delay":25%],["Reverb":12%],["Chorus":24%],["Crunch":15%],["Echo":5%]] } [Verse 1 ] Holding on in desparation, Doing what I can to save what remains; elements held in evidence. Relevant intelligence, collectively describes ; [verse2] A history gerously rich in tolerance and beniference. Qualities that would almost promise to define the infintine example's of Miles's Personal Efforts, to improve himself in the expectation reciprocated respect and mutal consideration. his experiments aimed at providing an authenticly healthy and intelligent environment for the flourished growth of the relationship, ended with instantaneous denial and single sided requirement, to never act any way but compliant act happy,make you life one big lie and be ignorant;y blissfull to live it and deny until you die in it diminnishmentf rom the get go worked so tirelessly to provide humble personal growth. Instead,her impetuous nature, preferences to respond with any combination of the following aptly described behaviors. All of which, upon having been addressed in beffitting diseloquence- were promptly denied any consideration of seeking a productive means to end the condescending and manipulative contemptuous refrains, created and forged in the depths of her self centered and judgemental, arrogant and egotistical smug head [ verse 1 ] My own fullfilment of this prophecy I have writen for myself, Copper taste as blood fills my mouth, biting down on my tongue to stop me from screaming out. [CHORUS] She thinks she's learned it all, Seen all there is for her to see. Shes incapapble of self relflection Just well versed at diminishment, gaslighting and deflection Teling see thu lies in a moments notice Not that she could honestly tell you what that means