Faith AI Song

Music Created by AI Song Generator of Style Dubpop, Acoustic, Psychedelic, piano, guitar



Dubpop, Acoustic, Psychedelic, piano, guitar

2024-11-13 09:35:31



Dubpop, Acoustic, Psychedelic, piano, guitar

2024-11-13 09:35:31

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Verse 1: I trusted people, thought they were close, cherished friendships as my dearest treasures. Today I carry scars from betrayal and shadows, with life experience that changes everything. Chorus: Now I know that closeness isn’t always truth, loss teaches me to stay strong, from the ashes of faith, I walk into a new life, learning to find comfort within myself. Verse 2: I don’t want to live in lies anymore, human weakness has healed me. Now I’m paving my path, free of past burdens, free, wiser, with faith in my own strength.