Shadows I Wasn’t Born In AI Song

Music Created by AI Song Generator of Style emotional rock ballad, male, violin, guitar, each verse building toward triumph at the end, emotional tone,

Shadows I Wasn’t Born In

Shadows I Wasn’t Born In

emotional rock ballad, male, violin, guitar, each verse building toward triumph at the end, emotional tone,

2024-10-09 19:12:18

Shadows I Wasn’t Born In

Shadows I Wasn’t Born In

emotional rock ballad, male, violin, guitar, each verse building toward triumph at the end, emotional tone,

2024-10-09 19:12:18

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[Verse 1]: I wandered lost, alone, afraid, A mother’s love I had betrayed. Her words of hope, her cries of grief, I left them in the night, like a thief. The world was cold, the night was long, And I, a child, so weak, so wrong. They found me there, with no escape, And led me to a darker fate. [Chorus 1]: I wasn’t born in shadows, but now I find, The world’s as cruel as I’ve been blind. They promised safety, then pulled the chains, I was just a child, but they saw my pain. The hands that held me turned to binds, And made a monster in their minds. But even in the darkest space, I’ll rise, I’ll fight, I’ll find my place. [Verse 2]: They sold my face, they sold my pain, A sideshow freak for their cruel gain. The crowds would gather, point, and stare, A circus beast with no one there. But in the jeers, I found a voice, A trick, a skill, a hidden choice. With every lie I learned to tell, I cast my own, unholy spell. [Chorus 2]: I wasn’t born in shadows, but now I see, The world’s a stage, and I’ll break free. They used my face to fill their seats, But they don’t know the mind that beats. In every mockery, I found the art, To twist their fear, to play my part. In darkness, I learned to deceive, And in their lies, I found reprieve. [Bridge]: One night the whip came down too hard, I felt the rage in every scar. No more the beast, no more their pawn, The world will weep by dawn. The knife was swift, the air so still, I saw his blood, and felt the thrill. His life was theirs to take from me, But now my chains are history. [Chorus 3]: I wasn’t born in shadows, but now I know, That power grows where hate will sow. I took the life that once took mine, And cut the rope they used to bind. No more the victim, no more the game, I walk in blood, I wear their shame. In darkness, now I make my way, For in their fear, I’ll find my stay. [Verse 3]: The gypsy fires fade away, A broken heart now leads the way. The world ahead, a life unknown, Where shadows rise, I walk alone. But in the night, a voice remains, A haunting cry, a song of pain. For I am more than what they see, A phantom born from misery. [Chorus 4]: I wasn’t born in shadows, but now I’ve grown, In every heart, I’ll carve my throne. I leave behind the camp of flames, To seek a world that bears my name. The shadows cling, but now they’re mine, A mask of power, sharp as time. In darkness, I will stake my claim, For now the world will know my name. [Outro]: I wasn’t born in shadows, but now I know, That’s where I’ll hide, that’s where I’ll grow. In every heart, in every mind, The darkness calls, and there I’ll find, A place where I’ll no longer be A beast, a freak—but finally, me.