Trials and Grace AI Song

Music Created by AI Song Generator of Style piano, spiritual, haunting

Trials and Grace

Trials and Grace

piano, spiritual, haunting

2024-10-07 20:24:07

Trials and Grace

Trials and Grace

piano, spiritual, haunting

2024-10-07 20:24:07

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[Verse 1] [Soft, reflective] I can handle anything, if I choose the light, Pity and anger won't change the fight. Life is fleeting, the hours we hold, Don’t miss the beauty, don’t let joy grow cold. [Chorus] [Hopeful, reflective] So I choose the light, I let anger go, Feast on the beauty that time will show. Life is short, but love will grow, In every trial, the light will glow. [Verse 2] [Building strength] Stop beating yourself for the things you’ve done, Let go of guilt, the race is never won. You don’t have to run faster than you can, Bend with the wind, adjust the plan. [Chorus] [Gentle, encouraging] So I’ll stop running faster than I can, I’ll bend with the wind, adjust the plan. No need to break, just hold the line, In every storm, there’s still sunshine. [Bridge] [Quiet, reverent] Prayer is a gift when the night feels long, Listen to your heart, find where you belong. Knees may falter, but spirits are strong, Heaven’s whispers carry you along. [Chorus] [Uplifting, comforting] In the quiet of prayer, I’ll find my way, Heaven’s whispers will guide my day. Through every trial, I’ll kneel and see, The windows of heaven watching over me. [Verse 3] [Hopeful, forward-looking] Death isn’t sad, it’s a joyful return, A reunion of love for which we yearn. More loved ones await, more than we knew, And one day we’ll meet them, when our time is through. [Final Chorus] [Joyful, peaceful] Death’s not the end, it’s a journey home, A reunion awaits where we’re not alone. With love all around, we’ll dance and sing, Until that day, we’ll cherish everything.